Friday, April 20, 2007

3 More Ways to Increase Your Freelance Writing Income by 25%

How to Turn into a Freelance Writing Machine? (Part II of II)

The first part of this article, How to Increase Your Freelance Writing Income by 25% or More, discussed two things you could do immediately to increase your income -- or more. This, Part II, will discuss three more things.

NOTE: I've been a freelance writer since 1993 and have personally tried all of these methods. Therefore, I know firsthand that they work. So, what are the next three things you can do to increase your income by 25% or more?

WORK-FROM-HOME E-BOOKS: Freelance from home! Just a reminder, Inkwell Editorial's work-from-home, how-to freelance writing e-books will be back on this weekend.
I. Organize your income streams. What do I mean by this? I'll explain via example.

To date, I've written six e-books and one freelance writing e-course. I've been wanting to migrate my e-books to Clickbank, an online retailer of digital products, for months. Doing this will allow affiliates to sell my e-books.

How Does ClickBank Work? Essentially, those with websites can sell my e-books from their website. Whenever a sale is made, they're paid a commission.

This could dramatically increase sales because instead of selling them from my site only, I could have 10, 20, or 300 different websites selling my products. Even one sale a day from 10 other sites increases my income tenfold. But, have I done this, no.

There are a couple of other ideas I've been wanting to implement as well, but haven't followed through. So, what do I need to do? Carve out time to organize existing income streams, implement others and tweak what is NOT working. Taking a week or two to do this could mean a dramatic increase in income.

What ideas can you implement, change, tweak to increase your income? Take a week or two every year to analyze this and put it into action.

II. Go with the flow of ideas. Another example to illustrate this -- a few days ago, I had a burst of creative energy. Never considering myself a "writer," I could never quite relate to writers who said that they could sometimes write for days - it's as if they can't get the ideas down on paper fast enough.

On this day, I understood that sentiment perfectly - for perhaps the first time in my career as a freelance writer. I wrote article after article -- completing some outright, creating outlines for others and just writing down headlines for others. I felt like I completed a week's worth of work in one day.

My point? Rather than focus on other tasks that were on my schedule that day, I just went with that flow of ideas. And boy I'm glad I did.

I still don't know what happened to cause this, but I wish I had two or three days a month like this - I'd be a freelance writing machine!

III. Avoid Forums and Social Networking Sites. Why? The same reason mentioned in Part I of this article for avoiding your own work online - they waste valuable time.

Now, don't get me wrong, you need sites like Digg and MySpace to promote your work. But, don't get caught up reading article after article on these, or interacting with others on message boards and Q&A forums.

While it may seem antisocial to "post and run," remember, if you are going to make a full-time living as a freelance writer, the bulk of your time must be spent on income-producing projects.

Even an hour a day spent on these can cost you 10-15% of your take-home pay if you average it out over months and days. On your "off days," you can spend time online playing on sites like these. But, regular work days should be for just that - work - work that produces income.

As this series of articles demonstrate, increasing your freelance income is as simple as paying attention to your time and tweaking what you're already doing. In other words, little changes lead to big dollars! So pay attention and turn your writing into a virtual money tree!
Copyright Notice: May be reprinted with the following, in full: Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to to learn how.
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