The title of this post is what I wrote about over at today. It really brought up an interesting point, ie, when was the last time you pushed yourself to learn a new skill as a freelance writer so that you can target higher-paying markets?
When I started SEO writing in the fall of 2007, I had no idea that I was entering a niche where I could position myself as an expert and earn more money. Internet marketing (SEO, online marketing) is one of the fastest growing freelance writing niches around. For proof, read SEO Investments Expected To Grow More Than 20%.
And because there aren't a lot of freelance writers who specialize in this niche, there is less competition for these writing jobs. In my experience, even clients don't know a lot about internet and online marketing. Many of my clients look to me for direction on which online marketing initiatives they need.
The internet marketing niche is wide open, which presents an absolute golden opportunity for freelance writers who take it upon themselves to learn what it's all about and position themselves as experts.
Sometimes to earn more, you have to go back to school -- just like in the corporate world. So, get your degree in IM (Internet Marketing). It'll pay great dividends for years to come.
Want to appear here? Submit a guest post.
Yuwanda (Wanna know what I'm up to? Check me out on Twitter)
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make Money Using and by Writing Special Reports. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright ©2009 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
2 High-Paying Online Writing Jobs
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Labels: freelance writer, freelance writing jobs, online writing jobs
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Freelance Writing 101: First Steps to Getting Started as a Freelance Writer
Many who visit this blog are experienced freelance writers. However, this economy has created a whole new group of talented professionals who may be considering freelance writing for the first time. If this describes you, the following article describes the initial baby steps you need to take to get started.
Once you've digested this information, spend some time tooling around this blog's companion site where you'll find hundreds of articles on every aspect of freelance writing. Good luck -- and welcome to an exciting career!
Launching Your Freelance Writing Career
by Holly McCarthy
With the current state of the economy continually shifting from bad to worse, it’s no wonder many people are trying to find new and improved ways to supplement their income. The need for fresh content and new ways of conveying information online is still a growing market online and there are many ways to break into the freelance writing community. What follows is a brief list of tips to help you get your freelance career started right away.
Launch Your Own Website or Blog
One of the best ways to get your name out there is to have your own space in the virtual world that showcases your abilities and connects you to those who may need your services. Continually update your blog or site with fresh content that demonstrates your abilities. Link to any articles that you may have published online so that your content can be viewed in its proper context as well.
When setting up your own site or blog, work hard to show that you are a professional in every way. Customize your site and keep it strictly professional. It’s great to have followers and make sure that you moderate comments on your postings to ensure that anything unprofessional is not allowed to stay posted beneath your hard work.
Produce Plenty of Content
Work hard at creating content on a wide variety of topics that are being viewed by readers all over the web. Keeping yourself busy writing will help ensure that you are ready to write what’s needed when big requests and assignments come down from clients in the future. Once you have gotten a good amount of work completed, you can begin compiling your portfolio.
Maintain a Quality Portfolio
As a freelancer, you will come to learn that many who purchase content are more about quantity over quality. While these types of assignments will keep you busy and make sure that some money is coming in, you need to make sure that you have some high-quality pieces that are polished and ready to demonstrate your ability to go beyond the call of duty and create outstanding content.
Having this in place will ensure that your communications with potential clients will be efficient and effective; you won’t have to scramble to look for your best work if you maintain a portfolio of your best work.
About the Author: Holly McCarthy writes on the subject of the top online colleges. She invites your feedback at hollymccarthy12 at gmail dot com.
Feel free to submit a guest post.
Yuwanda (Wanna know what I'm up to? Check me out on Twitter)
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make Money Using and by Writing Special Reports. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright ©2009 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Labels: freelance writing jobs, job hunting in a recession, online writing jobs, work from home
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Freelance Success Story: Finding Success via Versatility
Today I published a sucess story from a long-time freelance writer. She's worked on everything from poetry to web articles to adult magazines. Following is an excerpt:
One day I came across an invitation for writers to submit to a new magazine being sold around the pubs of England. It was a humorous, “adult” publication to which I sold some off-color jokes. I followed up with a proposal to write a column as a spoof “agony aunt”. This proved to be quite a lucrative job which lasted for more than a year until the magazine folded after its sponsorship money dried up. I wasn’t too proud to write for other adult markets after that. Indeed, I still do, though perhaps some readers would be horrified to learn that the writer of some of those steamy fictional scenes is now a senior citizen.
Read the entire account. Have a freelance writing success story? Submit it -- for pay! Starting in April -- after the new site is up -- I'll publish about one a month.
Yuwanda (Wanna know what I'm up to? Check me out on Twitter)
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make Money Using and by Writing Special Reports. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright ©2009 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Labels: freelance writing jobs, freelance writing success story, make money writing poetry, online writing jobs, writing for adult magazines
Monday, March 02, 2009
March is "Devote Time to Your Website/Blog Month"
As I posted to my Twitter account this morning, I've been MIA for the last week or so. I was finishing up an ebook I co-authored. I have another one on tap that I have to turn my attention to -- and this is in addition to my regular workload. So things are a bit hectic around here.
However, another reason I've been lax about posting is that this month I'm finally turning my attention to getting this blog transferred over to my new wordpress design -- which has been sitting unused since last July -- yes, last July (I can hardly believe it!).
Devote Time to Your Website/Blog Month: What is this?
I've designated March to be Devote Time to Your Website/Blog month. What is this? If you have blogs or websites that you want to start or redesign, then designate this month to get it done. I've learned that the only way to get things done -- especially when you're super busy -- is to set aside a definitive time to just do it. So this month, that's what I'm doing.
I have two more money-making blogs I've been wanting to set up for ages. Additionally, I've been wanting to transfer this blog and its accompanying website to its one, newly designed online presence. I will have all of this done by April 1st because it is my number one focus this month. This means turning down jobs, outsourcing work and anything else it takes to reach this goal.
While I have been MIA, I've also been posting over at Listed below are the last four posts. Hope you enjoy them.
Making Money Online: Unplugging to Get Things Done, Mar 2, 2009
Self-Publishing: Why You Shouldn’t Write an Ebook, Feb 25, 2009
Social Media Marketing: Should You Outsource It, or Not?, Feb 24, 2009
Blogging: How to Get New Life Out of Old Posts, Feb 23, 2009
Tomorrow I'll post a success story from a freelance writer in England. It's the last one that will be posted on this blog. More will follow once the new one is set up.
Yuwanda (Wanna know what I'm up to? Check me out on Twitter)
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make Money Using and by Writing Special Reports. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright ©2009 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, March 02, 2009
Labels: make money online, start a money making blog, website redesign