Two things today dear readers:
1) 10 wet noodle licks for me: I'm going to get Parts II and III of the How to Write Content that Generates Traffic series to you next week. I've gotten three rush projects in the last two days that have just thrown everything off. And, being right in the middle of a web redesign hasn't helped either . . .
Couple that with the fact that I'm trying to leave a clean desk b/c I'm off to Chicago this weekend for a graduation party for my girlfriend. Single mom, mid-40s, completed nursing school (chemistry, physics and biology) near the top of her class. I couldn't be more proud -- or in awe. If I had to take physics at my age . . . well, just go ahead and flunk me right now! I barely passed 10th grade chemistry. :-)
2) The Freelance Writing "Rate Debate" Rages On: I received the following email from someone today who just ran across my blog, so I wanted to get your take. After you read it, I'd like to know your feelings regarding the following:
Are some writers shooting themselves in the foot by not being flexible on rates?
Are "higher-end" freelance writers hurting more now? [Boy, this smacks so much of classism/elitism to me that I cringe even typing it]
Should long-time freelance writers accustomed to charging more adjust their rates?
Are you having a hard time landing new gigs?
Click here to read the entire post.
FYI, I'm see you back here next Tuesday -- to perhaps continue this debate -- but for sure to crank out the rest of the traffic-generating content series (a thousand mea culpas for delaying this).
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Ebooks on How to Start a Freelance Writing Career
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, are also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on YOU: Questions from Readers. Wanna learn about ghostwriting, how cut to the chase and "get started" as a freelance writer, which instant download ebooks software to use and concrete advice on how to land paid blogging gigs? I answer these questions, and a few more from readers who wrote in. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Have Freelance Writing Rates Degenerated into an Elitist/Classist War?
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Labels: article writing rates, freelance writing rates, seo writing rates
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Blog Jealousy? 4 Things You Can Learn from Famous Bloggers
A few things to address today:
1. The newsletter is out. It's here if you want to read it (it's a pdf file). Once the new site is done in a couple of weeks, you'll have to be a subscriber to get it. So subscribe if you want next month's issue -- which is shaping up to be a real page turner.
Wanna know how to make some passive income? For the August issue, I have lined up four successful affiliate marketers to interview. They are making good money (not outrageous so you don't think it's unachievable, but comfortable). As someone who's been none too successful with affiliate marketing, I can't wait to hear what they have to say. Passive income is my retirement!
2. My regular post over at today was on the subject of blog jealousy. Yeah, I get it. Do you? After reading about the same three or four bloggers on every other blog, sometimes you may just want to hurl. But before you do, check out what you can learn from them. Read the post here.
3. Content Writing Tutorial: Yesterday's post was the first in a three-part series about how to create traffic-generating content. I will pick this up tomorrow. I quite frankly forgot that the newsletter was coming out today, and that I had a post over at BT, so I figured that was enough for you to eyeball today.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Ebooks on How to Start a Freelance Writing Career
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, are also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on YOU: Questions from Readers. Wanna learn about ghostwriting, how cut to the chase and "get started" as a freelance writer, which instant download ebooks software to use and concrete advice on how to land paid blogging gigs? I answer these questions, and a few more from readers who wrote in. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Labels: blogging advice, blogging tips,, freelance writing advice, freelance writing tips
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
How to Write Content That Generates Traffic: 6 Specific Tips
In my last post, I talked about some changes moving forward. Specifically, the writing of more involved posts. Well, today I'm kicking off a three-part series. This probably would have dragged on to 4, 5 or 6,000 words easily.
Hence, I'm breaking this tutorial into three parts, which will run today, tomorrow and Thursday. It's entitled How to Write Traffic Generating Content. It dispenses some hard statistics, reasons why what you're currently doing may not be working and offers some ways to change that.
Enjoy it!
Get 7 Ebooks FREE! In the last edition of the newsletter, I offered the entire set of ebooks found on free if you bought the SEO writing ebook. This offer ends tomorrow night at midnight. And a big thank you to all of you who have already taken advantage of the offer. Once I get more ebooks done, I'll be offering more package deals like this as you all seem to appreciate them.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Ebooks on How to Start a Freelance Writing Career
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Labels: content that drives traffic, content writing tips, get more traffic, traffic generating content
Friday, June 20, 2008
How I Increased My Ebook Sales by 166% in Just 30 Days!
In Tuesday's post, I promised to update you on my article marketing success. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but a bear of a deadline was staring me right in the face. Sorry about that. Here's the update . . .
Upcoming Changes at Inkwell Editorial that Affect You
As an aside, one of the changes I have in store for the site after the redesign (which is in progress right now) is longer, tutorial-like posts. The reason I decided to start doing this is that I think the web is maturing to a point where people no longer want skimmable content.
Especially when readers come to a blog like mine that touts, "How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career." You can find so much information on this subject on the web. A lot of it is regurgitated content that offers no real value.
I've always been longwinded as a writer, so I've decided to turn this into an asset. When I dispense information (write articles), I try to take the reader by the hand and walk them through a problem to a solution. This can rarely be done in 300, 400 or even 500 words. My posts tend to be in the 600-1,000 word range. Tuesday's post was close to 2,000 words. That's why I dubbed it a "tutorial."
My goal with longer posts is not to indulge my long-windedness (is that a word?), but to make the impression that if you want to know how to start a freelance writing career, this is the first site you should visit. Please pass this along. This has always been my purpose, but it is now my mantra, the very foundation of why the site exists.
I hope you will join me in this quest by becoming involved. Send in your questions, feedback, experiences, problems and alliances. To help the entire freelance writing community, it helps to have as many diverse experiences as possible.
Next Tuesday's Tutorial: On Tuesday, I'll explore content creation. A few things ran though my mind that I jotted down over the last month. These tips should help your content "go viral" and get the most bang out of your article marketing efforts.
Have a Burning Freelance Writing Question? I'm devoting the next issue of the newsletter (6/25) to questions from readers. So, if you have a question you want to ask me, send it in [info [at]]. I'll answer as many as I can (in truth, I'll try to get to all of them). If I don't have the answer, I'll tap some of my sources (time permitting).
If you've been wondering about a particular niche on freelance writing, have a marketing question, a how to deal with a client question, a pricing question -- anything on freelance writing (or blogging), just send it in. You can remain anonymous if you want.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Enjoy the weekend everybody. I know I will. For the first time in over a month, I have no pressing deadlines hanging over my head that means I have to work on Sat/Sun.
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Friday, June 20, 2008
Labels: article marketing, article marketing tips, increase ebook sales, increase online sales with article marketing, market your ebook
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
How Tech Savvy Do You Have to Be To Make Money Blogging?
This is what I posted about over at today. I was pondering this as I wrote the almost 2,000-word tutorial that was yesterday's post, ie, How to Make Money Blogging by Selling Your Blog Posts.
Writing that post made me realize two things: (i) I have a lot to learn; and (ii) I know a lot more than I thought I did. According to Technorati's 2006 State of the Blogosphere report, "As of October 2006, about 100,000 new weblogs were created each day." That's 36.5 million new web presences a year! Holy kamolie!
At the time, Technorati was only tracking 56 million blogs. It currently tracks over 112 million, so the numbers are probably even higher today, a full one and a half years later. While many of these blog will die off, they still get in the way of you making money online as a blogger, web entrepreneur and/or internet marketer.
The three tips I outline in today's post was designed to do two things: (i) make you crystallize what you know; and (ii) help you to realize what you may be lacking.
While making money online is fun (I still cant' believe I'm able to do it, which means you can too), it is a lot of work. But, becoming more tech savvy can make it an easier journey. Enjoy the post.
Article Marketing Contest Update: Yesterday, I submitted, A $15/Per Article Writing Gig - It's For Real! to No posts today -- swamped and on deadline.
Have a Burning Freelance Writing Question? I'm devoting the next issue of the newsletter (6/25) to questions from readers. So, if you have a question you want to ask me, send it in [info [at]]. I'll answer as many as I can (in truth, I'll try to get to all of them). If I don't have the answer, I'll tap some of my sources (time permitting).
If you've been wondering about a particular niche on freelance writing, have a marketing question, a how to deal with a client question, a pricing question -- anything on freelance writing (or blogging), just send it in. You can remain anonymous if you want.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Start a Freelance Writing Career with Our "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Labels: blogging advice, blogging success, blogging tips, how to make money blogging
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
2 Free Effective Marketing Tips for Online Writers
Following is an in-depth look at two time-tested, free marketing tips for new and/or online freelance writers. I think it helps to know why a marketing method is effective. That way, you’re much more likely to stick with it instead of just doing it because everybody else is.
Although there are many ways to promote yourself as a freelance writer, your budget will dictate how you market. Getting familiar with free and low-cost marketing tactics means you will always be able to market your services – no matter what your financial situation. Read this in-depth tutorial here.
Have a Burning Freelance Writing Question? I'm devoting the next issue of the newsletter (6/25) to questions from readers. So, if you have a question you want to ask me, send it in [info [at]]. I'll answer as many as I can (in truth, I'll try to get to all of them). If I don't have the answer, I'll tap some of my sources (time permitting).
If you've been wondering about a particular niche on freelance writing, have a marketing question, a how to deal with a client question, a pricing question -- anything on freelance writing (or blogging), just send it in. You can remain anonymous if you want.
Article Marketing Contest Update: On Friday I posted Blog Marketing: How to Use Blog Commenting to Drive Traffic to Your Website/Blog to
On Saturday I posted How to Make $5,000/Month, or More, Writing SEO Articles to and How to Let Go of the Fear of Starting a FT Freelance Writing Career to
On Sunday I posted The Quickest Way to Build a Profitable Freelance Writing Career to
Yesterday I posted The 4 Fundamentals of Making Money Online to
Article Marketing Contest Update: On Thursday I'll report on the incredible success I've had since I started submitting articles daily to article directories. I'm suprised, although I shouldn't be considering the success I had with it in the past.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Start a Freelance Writing Career with Our "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Labels: freelance writing tips, how to make money online, internet marketing strategies, internet marketing tips, online marketing tips
Thursday, June 12, 2008
How to Make Money Blogging by Selling Your Blog Posts
This post is a continuation of How to Sell Blog Posts Before You Write Them, yesterday's post over at I had so much more to say on the subject, that it kind of morphed into what amounts to an online tutorial on writing and selling blog posts -- and selling information in general -- online.
So, if you're looking to make money blogging or selling information online, this tutorial is for you. Enjoy the read: How to Make Money Blogging by Selling Your Blog Posts: A Definitive Guide to Writing and Selling Your Daily Blog Posts and I'll see you back here next Tuesday.
Have a Burning Freelance Writing Question? I'm devoting the next issue of the newsletter (6/25) to questions from readers. So, if you have a question you want to ask me, send it in. I'll answer as many as I can (in truth, I'll try to get to all of them). If I don't have the answer, I'll tap some of my sources (time permitting).
If you've been wondering about a particular niche on freelance writing, have a marketing question, a how to deal with a client question, a pricing question -- anything on freelance writing (or blogging), just send it in. You can remain anonymous if you want.
Article Marketing Contest Update: Today I posted the article, Why a Recession is a Great Time to Start a Freelance Writing Career to Want to know more about article marketing? Click here.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Start a Freelance Writing Career with Our "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Labels: blogging for pay, blogging jobs, freelance writing jobs, home-based business, internet job, make money blogging, new media jobs, online writing jobs, telecommuting job
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
How to Sell Blog Posts Before You Write Them
Did you know this was possible? It is. I've been doing it for a few months now (you don't think I tell you every secret in my marketing arsenal right away, do you!)
My blog post over at today explains how I go about it -- and how you can too. Imagine, preselling blog posts -- talking about grabbing money out of thin air :-) Enjoy the post.
Have a Burning Freelance Writing Question? I'm devoting the next issue of the newsletter (6/25) to questions from readers. So, if you have a question you want to ask me, send it in. I'll answer as many as I can (in truth, I'll try to get to all of them). If I don't have the answer, I'll tap some of my sources (time permitting).
If you've been wondering about a particular niche on freelance writing, have a marketing question, a how to deal with a client question, a pricing question -- anything on freelance writing (or blogging), just send it in. You can remain anonymous if you want.
Article Marketing Contest Update: Yesterday, no article posting. Today I posted the article, How to Get a Job in a Slow Economy to Want to know more about article marketing? Click here.
Note: Although this article may seem a little off track for freelance writers, it really isn't because so many start part-time, hence are still active job seekers. Another reason I chose this article is that it is forever green content. Every site should have a stockpile of content like this on their site to drive traffic. I wrote this article originally in 2005, I think. Yet, it remains extremely relevant whenever the economy is in the tank (like it is now, no matter what Washington is saying!).
Useful Freelance Writing Links from
Start a Freelance Writing Career with Our "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Labels: blogging for pay, freelance writing job, freelance writing tips, sell content online, web writer
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
$20,000 for 20 Pages: Learn about the Highest Paying Freelance Writing Niche
Read my guest post at to find out what this post is all about. Some of you may be on to a whole new career here. Hey, if you're gonna get started as a freelance writer, why not start at the top!
Article Marketing Contest Update: On Friday I posted the article, Selling Ebooks? How to Price Your Product to Make Money Online to and (I got a little ambitious).
On Sunday I posted Avoid High Gas Prices: 3 Easy-to-Start, Online Work-from-Home Careers to
Yesterday I posted, Typical Projects to Expect as an SEO Writer to
Want to know more about article marketing? Click here.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Start a Freelance Writing Career with Our "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website?
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Labels: about white papers, what are white papers, white paper writer, writing white papers for a living
Thursday, June 05, 2008
What's the Difference Between a Website and a Blog?
This post can now be found at Same great content in a new home with a better design.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Labels: blog design, differences between website and blog, web design advice, what is a blog, what is a website
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Will You Ever Make Money Blogging? Answer 1 Question to Find Out
In light of my recent blog debacle, I'm getting a new blog designed. Several people have written in asking me various questions about it. So I addressed them in today's post at
One thing I want to say I've learned about getting a blog designed from scratch is that you have to put some thought into it. Choosing colors, layout and font type are all part of it. But, the most critical component to pay attention to when you're getting a blog designed from the ground up, so to speak, is purpose.
Do You Know Your Blog's Purpose?
As in, what purpose does your blog serve -- or would you like for it to serve. Every design decision you make should support this decision. Read more about it in How to Design the Perfect Blog for Your Business.
Also in this post is a link to a guest post I did which appeared on on Monday. It's all of the hard-learned lessons I gleaned from my recent blog troubles. That post is entitled
7 Things You Must Know Before Moving Your Blog.
Article Marketing Contest Update: No posts yesterday (will make up for the two I've missed so far by posting right through the weekend). I posted the article, How to Set SEO Writing Rates to Make $250-$500+/Day to Amazines today. Want to know more about article marketing? Click here.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Get "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours? And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Labels: blog design, blog marketing, blogging advice, blogging tips
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
$5,000 for a 500-Word Article: The Ultimate Article Writing Gig!
That title may be the ultimate link bait title.
But, it is a real gig. is having a contest, and today is the day to write and submit your article. It pays $5,000 to the winner. FYI, you can write an article or submit a video or audio. Following are the rules.
The Ultimate Call: Enter to Win $5,000 on June 3!
The Ultimate Call for Content Contest: Every day, you have the opportunity to go beyond your own choice of what to publish and pick up one of our many Calls for Content.
On Tuesday, June 3 — in conjunction with Internet Week New York — Associated Content will release its biggest call ever:One call worth $5,000. The call will be released at 9 a.m. ET on June 3. Then, you will have until midnight ET to submit your entry. You are limited to one entry.
With a theme of "What's Next?" appropriate to Internet Week, here is the assignment:
Pick any topic or subject you have enthusiasm or expertise in. Then, project ahead to next year, and explain — in a text article, video or audio clip — why that topic will be relevant to online consumers who search for content related to it.
The topic can be a person, a destination, an event, a technology, a trend, even a "how-to" — any unique topic you think will break through with people in a new way in the next year. Text submissions are limited to 400-500 words. (Video and audio must not be longer than 2 minutes.)
Submissions will be judged on a combination of quality: originality, clarity, enterprise, usefulness, discoverability and overall readability (or, for video or audio, accessible presentation). After being reviewed by our Content Managers and, ultimately, a panel of expert judges, one content submission will earn its Content Producer a $5,000 payment. All other entries will earn Performance Payments.
Important: To enter the contest, go to, you must claim the call on June 3 and submit your content by clicking on the "Submit" button to the right of the claimed call. Do no submit by selecting a template from the Publish tab.
I know I'll be getting my entry in. Good luck everbody!
Article Marketing Contest Update: I posted the article, Make Money Online: What is Microblogging & Why Should You Care? to Amazines last night. Want to know more about article marketing? Click here.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Get "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours! And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Labels: article writing, freelance writing contest, writing contest
Monday, June 02, 2008
How to Increase Your Blog’s Traffic with Link Bait Articles
I was supposed to write this post on Friday, but alas, got buried under some work. I’m still buried, but the weekend gave me some breathing room. Sorry for the lateness, here’s the post.
What is Link Bait?
If you’re not a techie, you may be wondering what the heck link bait is.
Link bait is content created for the specific purpose of driving traffic to your site. “But,” you may be thinking, “isn’t that the goal of all content?” Yes, it is. However, when most of us write, we write to update, inform and/or “because it’s time to update my site,” etc. We don’t write with a defined traffic-building plan in mind.
As explained in the article What is Link Bait and How Can It Help Me? “Specifically, linkbait is used to attract visitors to your website whether through interest, anger or knowledge seeking. Linkbait is content that is specially written to either educate, entertain or inflame your readership and prospective readers. These articles create buzz, and the buzz spreads virally from site to site in the form of links and comments that others make about what is written on your site.”
Now that you have an understanding of what link bait articles are, I’ll tell you a little technique I sometimes use to increase traffic to my blog and website.
Use the news!
How to Use the Media to Create Link Bait Articles
I wrote the link bait article, Avoid High Gas Prices: 3 Easy-to-Start, Online Work-from-Home Careers, after watching the news one morning. Why?
Every morning when I get up, I turn on CNN while preparing breakfast. I usually watch for at least half an hour before I start my day. What’s been in the news a lot lately – the price of gas. In fact, I swear for like three days straight, I turned on at the exact moment the announcer was saying something to the effect of, “Gas prices have hit another record high. For the sixth day in a row, gas prices have hit new highs . . . “
One morning – before I even had coffee mind you – the article idea above came to me. I was standing sleepily by the coffeemaker trying to decide if I had enough time to run upstairs and brush my teeth before the coffee finished brewing and the idea came to me in a flash. I quickly sat down and fired it off (I brushed my teeth after I’d finished the article and had my coffee ).
This article makes good link bait copy because it capitalizes on a hot topic that is already in the news. This means it’s already getting good search engine traffic. Taking a hot topic and making it relevant to your niche can increase your website’s traffic easily.
Why Link Bait Content is Good SEO Practice
And not for nothing, this is what writing SEO (search engine optimization) content is all about, ie, creating content that drives traffic to your site. Using the media to create link bait articles is a simple marketing technique anyone can use to drive more traffic to a website or blog. And, it’s free!
Here’s another link bait article I did, just so you can get your juices flowing: Why a Recession is a Great Time to Start a Freelance Writing Career. Does it get your “link bait” wheels turning?
To read more on link bait, click here.
Article Marketing Contest Update: I didn't post to any directories on Thursday or Friday. I posted the article, Freelance Writers: Why SEO Content Development is the Next "Hot" Thing in Freelance Writing to IdeaMarketers last night (so I made up for one day). Want to know more about article marketing? Click here.
Useful Freelance Writing Links
Get "How to Write from Home" Ebooks
Need to Drive Traffic to Your Website
Get Affordable Content for Your Website, Ezine, Etc.
Advice, Tips, Case Studies & More on Freelance Writing
Yuwanda Black, Publisher
How to Start a Successful Freelance Writing Career Newsletter
P.S.: Want the liberty of working from home as a freelance writer in your PJs, getting assignments via the internet? Click here for more on How to Make $250+/Day Writing Simple, 500-Word Articles. All you need is a computer and an internet connection to get started.
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Previous Issue. Spotlight on How to Make $75,000 to $100,000/Year as an SEO Writer. In this issue, I dispense the 8 keys to my success as an SEO writer. There are some definites that must gel to find success in this field. I outline them all here. And of course, it’s based on my own personal experience. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Current Issue. Spotlight on Newbie Freelancers. Wanna learn how one freelancer landed enough clients to quit his job in just 12 hours! And, there's also some blog warning tips if you're looking to move your blog from one platform to another -- and more. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Freelance success stories, e-courses, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, June 02, 2008
Labels: article marketing, blog marketing, link bait