Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Hate My Freelance Writing Career! (Part II of II)

Part I of this post examined how doing too much can make you hate your writing career – and how you can combat that.

Here, in Part II, two more reasons you may hate your writing career will be examined – and offer solutions to the problems.

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2 More Reasons You May Hate Your Freelance Writing Career

Working on Projects I Don’t Care For: Lately, I’ve been working on a lot of projects that just don’t excite me.

To be honest, a lot of what I do doesn’t excite me, per say, but it’s work I don’t mind. During my slump though, it just seemed that the projects – one after the other – were things that I just didn’t like at all.

It was mentally exhausting gearing myself up to work on them.

The reason I’ve been taking on practically any and everything is I want to get out of debt within the next two years – all except for my mortgage. Read about that goal here.

While I have a reason for buckling down and doing work I really don’t enjoy, it was taking a toll on me mentally.

Solution: Either reset goals, or change your mindset. I opted to change my mindset by refocusing on my goal and really ingesting how it’s going to feel to be debt free except for my mortgage.

Now, I have to admit, this is hard -- really hard. And, this is where being a Type A Personality really comes in handy. We’re really good and setting goals and achieving them – no matter the sacrifice.

Putting Dreams on Hold: During this whole process – taking on projects I didn’t like, doing too much – I wasn’t doing anything that gave me personal joy. I was putting my dreams on hold. Eg, training for this year’s marathon.

I had a car accident in February that’s interrupted my training schedule. I don’t know if you know anything about athletes, but when we’re unable to work out, we can get cranky and depressed.

I’d forgotten this. Even though I’m only able to train at a measured pace, now that I’m back on the track, I feel joyous again!

Solution: Do something just for you; chase a dream. This is particularly important when you’re going through trying times.

The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Break Out of a Writing Funk

One of the things I’ve noticed is that I get frustrated when I work without a plan. Many of us go through life without one. We just kind of do our thing – day after day, week after week, month after month.

But, have you ever stopped to think, “Where is this road I’m on taking me? Where do I want to be in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years?”

If you don’t have a life plan – get one – now! It can center you like never before. I talk about how having a life plan helped me make a decision when an “opportunity of a lifetime” was dropped in my lap. Read about it here.

Planning forces you to focus on what’s really important to you. If you’re in a writing funk, it usually has nothing to do with writing, and everything to do with your life.

Here's hoping you never "feel the funk," or get out of it soon if you're already there.

Monday's Post: How Googling Your Name Can Lead to Cash

EXCERPT: There are billions (yes, billions!) of websites on the Internet. Getting noticed is extremely difficult -- if not impossible. Googling your name and leveraging those contacts who already know about you can go a long way to increasing your income. We'll examine three ways to leverage this name recognition -- and put cash in your pocket!
Copyright Notice: May be reprinted with the following, in full: Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to
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