That's the post from I did yesterday. If you want to stand out among the commpetition when vying for blogging jobs, this post offers some unique, creative advice. I've used them all to land blogging gigs. Read the post, Blogging Jobs: 3 Ways to Land More Blogging Gigs in 2009.
How to Make 2009 Your Most Lucrative Year Yet as a Blogger
The post, 10 Blogging Tips for 2009 to Make It Your Most Successful Blogging Year Ever, details how. I went back to basics when compiling this list. When I read back over it I thought, "Wow, this is some really good advice." A few on the list I need to incorporate myself heading into the New Year.
How to Make Money Online in 2009
"Pull the Friggin' Trigger!"
I was talking to a brilliant friend last night. I mean, this guy is off-the-charts smart. He wants to start an internet business. He's been planning it for six months or so and is extremely motivated. But, he hasn't started yet.
I kept trying to get him to tell me what's holding him back. He kept talking around it, making excuses, explaining, etc. I finally said to him, "Just pull the friggin' trigger already!" This is a phrase I picked up from Christine at I love this phrase because it's exactly what so many who want to start this, that or the other needs to do.
If you want to make money online in 2009 as a blogger, freelance writer, affiliate marketer -- whatever -- stop talking about it, worrying about it, planning it and researching it. Just do it already! You will make mistakes, it won't be easy and it will definitely test your nerves, but if you never START, you'll never get to overcome your mistakes, learn from them and move on. Mistakes are the foundation of success. Get started so you can begin making them and achieve successs that much sooner.
That's my advice as we end the year 2008.
I've had a lot of professional and personal highs and lows this year. I'm glad to see the end of 2008, mainly for personal reasons. I look forward to 2009 for professional reasons. Happy New Year everybody. Be safe and be happy.
Want to know what a typical day in the life of a busy SEO copywriter and new media marketing consultant is like? Follow me on Twitter.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Stuff Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Blogging Jobs: 3 Ways to Land More Blogging Gigs in 2009
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Labels: blog writing, blogging jobs, blogging tips, free ebook on freelance writing, make money online in 2009
Monday, December 29, 2008
Making Money Online: The Secret Many Online Entrepreneurs Harbor
As I make my living completely online -- and do more than okay as a freelance writer -- it may come as a shock that I'm unmotivated most of the time. Many days I'm operating in "have to" mode, not "want to" mode.
Today over at, I talked about why this is -- and why I think many successful online entrepreneurs feel the same way. It's an inside peek at what really goes on in the minds of many who others may think "are so lucky." So why then are so many of us unmotivated?
Want to know what a typical day in the life of a busy SEO copywriter and new media marketing consultant is like? Follow me on Twitter.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Topics Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hrs for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, December 29, 2008
Labels: freelance writer, freelance writing jobs, how to make money online, online entrepreneurs, work from home
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Freelance Writers: How to Market for Work in 2009
Just wrapped up a three-part series on about how to market for work in 2009. Today's post covers an area I get asked about a lot -- ie, how to set freelance writing rates to make a real living. I outline how I set my rates.
Hope you find the post useful and informative.
Merry Christmas Eve everybody. Now go on, log off and hang out with your family. Even if they annoy the heck out of you, they're still family and it is almost Christmas. They'll be leaving soon enough. :-)
Wanna appear on this blog? Submit a guest post.
Yuwanda (Wanna know what I'm up to? Check me out on Twitter)
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Topics Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Labels: freelance writing jobs
Monday, December 22, 2008
Freelance Writers: Are You Ready for Work in 2009?
Over at today, I talk about gearing up for work in 2009. I know not many of your are listening/reading. Heck, I can't even believe I'm updating my blog. I want to be drinking egg nog, baking cookies and forgetting that I even have a computer.
BUT, 2009 is right around the corner. And planning is 90% of success. So, this week I'm doing a 3-part series on how to start marketing for freelance writing jobs in 2009. Check it out and get a leg up on the competition.
Wanna appear on this blog? Submit a guest post. That's it for today.
Yuwanda (anytime you wanna know what I'm up to, check me out on Twitter)
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Topics Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, December 22, 2008
Labels: freelance writing advice, freelance writing jobs, marketing advice for freelance writers
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How to Stick to Your Freelance Writing Rates
I blogged about a situation I had with one client recently where I stuck to my pricing guns. It's a scenario all freelace writers will have to deal with at some point. I hope it proves insightful.
Read, Freelance Writing Rates: How to Stick to Your Pricing Guns, at
Wanna appear on this blog? Submit a guest post.Nothing more than that to say today dear readers. Hope y'all (yep, I'm southern) had a good weekend.
Yuwanda (anytime you wanna know what I'm up to, check me out on Twitter)
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Stuff Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Labels: blogging jobs, freelance writing jobs, freelance writing rates, how to make money blogging
Monday, December 15, 2008
Need a Belly Laugh this Monday Afternoon?
I recently joined Twitter, just in case you're new here and didn't know. And, this one blog I discovered via joining has made it all worth while. I wish I could be this funny and nasty at the same time -- and have people get it without being ultra offended (a little part of you is probably gonna be a little offended with every post from this blogger).
If you're kinda morally straightlaced and are easily offended, then don't click through. But if you like a real, coffee squirting through the nose, funny a** read that catches you off guard every time, then this blog is a must read.
The woman is simply brilliant in my book. Rock on Bloggess!
Wanna appear on this blog? Submit a guest post.
Nothing more than that to say today dear readers. Hope y'all (yep, I'm southern) had a good weekend.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Stuff Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Guest Bloggers Wanted
This post has been moved to
I look forward to receiving your guest posts.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Friday, December 12, 2008
Labels: blogging jobs, guest blogger, guest bloggers, guest blogging
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Do You Have the Balls to Be a Freelance Writer?
I am not a guru!
I woke up feeling a little frustrated ths morning. About what? I've gotten four inquiries in the last day and a half about how to start a freelance writing career. Three were from those who had even gone so far as to write samples and put up websites, but hadn't started to market yet.
What are you waiting for!
This frustrates me b/c I spend so much time writing and dispensing information about how to be a succesful freelance writer (ahem, the name of this blog and it's accompanying website). BUT, I'm not a guru. I'm not a shrink. I'm not a career counselor. I can't hold your hand. I have my own work to do.
You're grown, probably highly educated, no doubt skilled -- I can't baby sit you through your fears. So, that was the impetus for the post Do You Have the Balls to Be a Freelance Writer or Blogger?
Have a PARTICULAR client question or problem, yeah, I can probably help. A basic "I'm scared to get started" query. You're on your own. I'm way too busy.
And if this sounds harsh, then understand where I'm coming from.
Poverty: The Great Motivator
I grew up poor -- loving family, extremely supportive -- but we were poor. I never felt poor though b/c my parents always told me I could do anything I wanted -- as long as I got an education and worked hard (which I've done and do). This gave me a rich spirit'; a belief in myself.
I get frustrated when asked simple questions from readers, because it's like, "Are you kidding me? If you spent five seconds researching this you can find it out on your own."
The Internet Is Your Friend When Starting a Business
Every business I've ever started -- and there've been quite a few -- I've done all the "unpaid" background research myself. It's how I discover 95% of what I know (for better or worse).
Take SEO writing for example. Nobody taught me. I spent hours (and still do) reading about it. What is meta tag writing? I researched it. What is social media marketing? Thanks Google for enlightening me.
My point? While I may consult those who are doing what I want to do, I don't insult them by asking basic questions that minimal online research can answer.
I ask targeted questions after doing extensive research on my own. This lets the "guru" I'm consulting know that I've put in time and effort -- so as not to waste their time and effort. This lets them know I'm serious. Hence, they are much more likely to take time from their busy schedules to help.
Scared of What?
As for addressing any fears I have, I just don't even let that enter my head. Maybe it's a personality quirk, maybe it's how I was raised or a combination of the two. But fear is an emotion I just don't entertain when it comes to business.
Do I get scared? Yes. But, what scares me more is not challenging myself. For it's when you challenge yourself that you wring the joy, the passion, the drive out of life. And, THIS is living. NOT sitting in some corner second guessing myself.
I'm no wallflower!
Did I Offend You?
If I've offended some, sorry. Don't stop by again. If I've lit a fire under some -- great! That's the whole point of this post. If I've scared you -- then your challenge is to address that fear. It's not about my words -- it's something that's inside you that my words hit upon. Drag it out into the daylight and deal with it so you can live the fullest life possible.
Now, I have a TON of work to get to today. And if you want to start a freelance writing career where your days are filled with tons of work -- get to it!
Other Posts from Blogging Tips I Wrote This Week You May Like
Freelance Writers & Bloggers: How to Bill and Get Paid Quickly
For Busy Freelance (SEO) Writers: How to Choose a Social Media Marketing Outlet
Want to know what a typical day in the life of a busy SEO copywriter and new media marketing consultant is like? Follow me on Twitter.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Stuff Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: How to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Labels: career advice, freelance writing advice, freelance writing jobs, freelance writing tips
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Legitimate Freelance Writing Jobs Website?
Two things today dear readers: (i) a website where freelancers can make money (maybe); and (ii) I’m kinda pissed at you guys. Let’s get to number ii first.
Why I’m Kinda Pissed at You Guys!
And I say the following with the utmost love, of course.
In the last issue of Inkwell Editorial’s freelance writing newsletter, I talked about how I was suspending publication for a while because I needed to focus more on my new fast-growing SEO writing company. And, just when I do that, how do you respond? By writing in imploring me not to stop publishing it b/c it’s been such a great help, so inspiring, yadda, yadda, yadda.
Usually, you guys aren't so vocal. So I guess a lot of you really are reading the newsletter. What’s a girl to do!
Get the Inside Scoop on How Much Can You Really Make?
I was going to suspend publication until the spring, but I have three great interviewees lined up so come January, the newsletter will be out again. January’s issue will give us the inside scoop on
I interview freelancer Lisa Sanderson. She’s been using for a few years now. I like firsthand information, so I’m curious to see what she has to say about the site. I’ve been wondering about it for a while because I receive a lot of content requests from them – and they seem to pay a bit more than the article mill rates you find on a lot of freelance writing job sites.
Lisa's info should help you to make a decision as to whether or not the site would work for you.
Legitimate Freelance Writing Jobs Website?
I ran across in some web surfing and was wondering if anybody had any experience with it. It seems legit. They have work-from-home jobs for all kinds of professionals, including writers. For writers, the site says that you can make $5-$40 hour and that “writers work across many sectors …. and assignments come regularly.”
Learn more about ClicknWork freelance writing jobs. AND, don’t forget, if you have experience with this site, let me know (info *at* I’d like to feature you in an interview in an upcoming issue of the newsletter.
Want to know what a typical day in the life of a busy SEO copywriter and new media marketing consultant is like? Follow me on Twitter.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Topics Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
$100 for SEO Articles: How to Become a Highly Paid SEO Copywriter
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Labels:,, freelance writing jobs, work from home jobs
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Freelance Writers: Interview Request
Small business consultant working on a Feasibility Assessment for a client needs an interviewee for the following. She writes:
"[My] client . . . wants to build a freelance business around selling his stories and photos to publications. I'm trying to figure out how tough this is in today's market and if the process has changed any in the last 15 or 20 years.
This profile on inspired her to contact me, but I no longer have Mr. Grigg's information on file. She's looking for someone with a similar background.
If you can help, please get in touch with her at Her name is Linda Cummings and she's a Vocational/Small Business Consultant who works with state voc rehab agencies, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, and others.
Want to know what a typical day in the life of a busy SEO copywriter and new media marketing consultant is like? Follow me on Twitter.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Topics Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
New Freelance Writers: How to Make Your First $100 Online In Less Than 24 Hours
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Labels: freelance writing jobs, interview request, publishing jobs
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
How to Take Your Freelance Writing Biz to the Next Level
Today over at I wrote about how to use special reports to land more freelance writing gigs.
What to Put in a Special Report to Land More Freelance Writing Gigs
Just to expand on this a bit here, you may be wondering what to put in a report of this kind. It’s simple really. Ask yourself one question, ie, “What are some things that clients are constantly asking me about?”
Do a thorough manual that addresses all of these. It can be short or long. I’d suggest no more than 5-10 pages though, or it might not get read. It will not only make your freelance writing business seem more professional, it will set you apart from the competition.
Take Your Freelance Writing Business to the Next Level
Remember, marketing is a conglomeration of all of the things you do to “brand” your freelance writing business.
While I hate that term (reminds me of scorching animals), if you want to move to the next level as a freelance writer, you have to start mimicking what successful companies do. And boy, do they brand themselves!
Want to what a typical day in the life of a busy SEO copywriter and new media marketing consultant is like? Follow me on Twitter.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Topics Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Labels: free marketing tips, freelance writing advice, freelance writing from home, freelance writing jobs
Monday, December 01, 2008
How to Gain an Instant Following Online
I now Twitter! Upon signup, I immediately had a following of . . . 3! Hey, not bad for a few seconds. I like Twitter b/c it literally takes a few seconds to update. With my schedule, this fits perfectly.
So, if you ever wonder what I'm doing on any given day (M-F), just follow me on Twitter, for it's going to be a regular part of my day.
Marathon Day Run
For those who read the Inkwell Editorial Newsletter, you know I've been in training for the half marathon (13.1 miles) that was held on Thanksgiving Day (Atlanta). I finished in 2:25:09. I ran the whole thing.
I was worried that I wouldn't be able to run the entire distance b/c my training had been so sporadic. But, I gutted it out. Now, I have two marathon medals (did the full marathon in Nov 2006) and am in training for my third, the ING Marathon in March here in Atlanta.
I'm officially a marathon girl! And, as I literally ate my way through the holiday weekend (and the season has just begun), this is a very good thing.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Stuff Around Here!
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, December 01, 2008
Labels: freelance writing jobs, social networking, twitter
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Freelance Writing Job: Write 4 Pages for $1,500
If you saw a freelance writing job ad like this, you’d probably look at it. But, you’d probably bypass it, thinking it was some kind of scam. But, it’s not. Welcome to the world of case studies.
What is a Case Study?
A case study is really an elongated client testimonial. They are frequently referred to as success stories. What makes case studies different from normal testimonials is how they’re presented. They’re written in a semi in-depth, journalistic style.
Case studies can vary in length, but they are usually 3-4 pages; 1,500-2,000 words. They consist of 3-4 parts, depending on the layout you use. The one I like is the following. Note: New Media Words, my new SEO writing company, is the firm profiled in the following faux case study.
Part I: Company Profile. This is where you’d write the client profile, eg, type of business. Remember, case studies are short, so you don’t need a lot of info.
Example: New Media Words is an SEO writing and internet marketing outsource firm.
The company partners with web design firms, advertising agencies, internet marketing firms, and other new media enterprises to provide affordable SEO writing, social media marketing and internet marketing solutions to their clients.
Part II: Problem. Here is where you’d list the problem that the client product/service solved.
Example: XYZ Widget Company's problem was how to drive traffic to its new website. It had recently been redesigned with an eye towards increasing online sales.
Part III: Solution. This is the proposed solution.
Example: New Media Words’ solution was three-fold.
i) The first was an in-depth consultation. The purpose of the consultation was two-fold: (a) to gather all the necessary information to provide effective short- and long-term internet marketing solutions; and (b) to assist clients in gaining a better understanding of how online marketing works, and the results to expect.
ii) The second part of the solution was to implement a short-term plan of action: A social media marketing campaign was recommended to start gaining some immediate web traffic.
iii) The third part of the solution was to implement a long-term plan of action. An ongoing article marketing campaign was recommended to sustain – and continually grow – web traffic.
Part IV: Results Achieved. This is where you spell out how using the company’s product/service helped their customer. This is the real “selling portion” of the case study. It’s where the company gets to shine.
Example: During the first 90 days, XYZ Widget Company’s tripled its web traffic. As a result, online sales increased by 22% -- more than 10% over XYZ Widget Company's projections.
To gain the most traction from the social media marketing campaign, New Media Words authored an industry report, which went viral and accounted for the bulk of this traffic.
The report continues to generate buzz, and XYZ Widget Company has decided to have New Media Words write this report every year. This allows XYZ to set itself up as an industry authority, giving it a competitive edge over its competition. The report will be a free giveaway every year.
After six months, XYZ Widget Company had achieved front-page Google results for three of its most profitable keyword phrases, all due to the aggressive article marketing campaign implemented by New Media Words. After six months, online sales had increased by 37%.
John Doe, the marketing manager said of New Media Words:
We didn’t know a lot about internet marketing. Most of our marketing efforts have been concentrated offline. But luckily the New Media Words team did. Their command of online marketing strategies like social media marketing and SEO article writing achieved results we didn’t expect to see for two years. They did it in six months. We couldn’t be more thrilled!
And that, people, is the power of a case study. After reading that, wouldn’t you want to hire New Media Words to handle your online marketing needs?
Here is an actual New Media Words case study on how we helped our client, Ephricon Web Marketing, to get results for their clients.
The 3 Elements of a Good Case Study
A case study is only as good as the information presented. You need three elements primarily, ie:
a) You have to present the problem in a way that others can relate to. Eg, “Yeah, how do you drive traffic to a newly designed website if you know very little about online marketing?”
b) You must present concrete solutions. This means explaining how the solution was approached (eg, New Media Words’ three-pronged attack). You want potential clients to think, “Wow, now I see why they chose to go that route. Maybe they can help me put together an online marketing strategy for my business.”
c) You must provide real, tangible results: This means using numbers, (eg, increased online sales by 37%, tripled web traffic in 90 days). This not only makes it believable, it starts client minds to churning with thoughts like, “If they can do that for that business, even if they only achieved half the results for mine, I’d be happy. Let me give them a call.”
How Much Should Freelance Writers Charge to Write Case Studies?
As mentioned in the beginning of this post, case studies start at a low of $1,500, and can go on up to $20,000 or $30,000. Most fall in the $1,500 to $5,000 range.
At New Media Words, we charge $750. Why less? Because most of our clients are online businesses. Hence, they tend to want short, sweet case studies that don’t require as much interviewing and research as a traditional, offline business for example.
The Rest of the Week: That's it for this week's posts. Enjoy the following old favorite. I wrote it a couple of years ago, and it's one of the most popular articles I've ever written: The Freelance Writer's Thanksgiving Prayer.
To my American counterparts, here's to a happy and healthy Thanksgiving. To my friends in the rest of the world, wish us Americans good luck as we try to squeeze back into our pre-Thanksgiving Levi's!
Turkily yours,
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all of the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Stuff Around Here!
Get the Latest Issue of the Newsletter -- Topic: The #1 Way to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0 ***********************************************
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Labels: case studies, cheap case studies, how to write case studies, what is a case study
Monday, November 24, 2008
Holiday Blog Marketing: Are You Making This All-Too-Common Mistake?
Come back here you. Yes, you! I know you're in holiday mode and everything, but before you rush off, you have one more thing to do. If not, you could be making the biggest mistake many freelance writers, bloggers and online entrepreneurs make.
It's almost 2 pm EST, and I'm about to close up for today -- BUT, I did this before even thinking about heading out to do some holiday shopping and errands. Did you? Find out what it is here.
From Laid Off New Mommy to Freelance (SEO) Writing Success!
I received this email from a new freelance writer who has really taken the SEO freelance writing bull by the horns and is running with it. I share this to remind those of you who may be wondering if you can succeed as a freelance writer, who may be scared to try, or procrastinating on starting . . . it proves that if you put out the effort, the rewards can be yours.
Katrina wrote:
Hi Yuwanda!
I have some very exciting news for you. I have to send you a major thank you because your SEO book has opened a whole new career opportunity for me. We spoke on the phone last month. I called to ask you about pricing and communicating with potential clients. You were so very gracious in our phone conversation and led me through what I needed to know.
Well, I started writing for a few websites in addition to individual web designers. One of the websites was Bright Hub. I applied what I learned through your articles/books and other sources about SEO to write my articles. All the ones I optimized ended up on the first page of Google for their keywords.
The VP of Marketing for Bright Hub contacted me a few weeks later to let me know that she had heard great things about me and my articles. She asked me to be the managing editor for the new fitness channel they were starting! I was so thrilled when I read the email from her that I didn't know what to do besides squeal (and scare my husband in the process). :-)
I couldn't have done this without learning what you teach about being a good writer in general, managing my time, SEO, and all the other great info you share on a regular basis. I will be referring my writers to your blog to learn about SEO and all the other things they need to know about being a good freelance writer.
I'm so richly blessed by God, I have to tell you. I was laid off earlier this year a few days before I was supposed to return to work after maternity leave. I had a new baby, lots of bills and no job.
It was so hard to tell my husband that I didn't have a job to go back to. I decided that I could either pout about it or add to my skill set and start marketing myself (emphasis added -- this is the kind of chutzpah needed to make it as a freelance writer!). I became self-employed as a freelance writer thereafter, and it turns out that getting laid off was a blessing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
View Katrina's BrightHub profile.
Tomorrow: Case studies, as in, how to make money with them. They're so easy to do - and clients pay a mint for them!
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all of the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot Stuff Around Here!
Get the Latest Issue of the Newsletter -- Topic: The #1 Way to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, November 24, 2008
Labels: blog marketing, freelance writing jobs, online writing jobs, seo copywriter, seo copywriting
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The $150,000/Year SEO Writer
Hey, be careful what you wish for peeps, b/c you just might get it! In the latest edition of Inkwell's newsletter, I put the power of intent to work. I stated that my goal for my newly launched SEO writing company was $150,000 next year.
What It Takes to Make $150,000/Year as a Freelance Writer
I've been getting up earlier, and taking on more work. In essence, I've decided to put the pedal to the metal and challenge myself to live up to my full potential. My new motto is, if a black man can become president of the United States of America (which I never thought I'd live to see in this lifetime), I can certainly make $150,000 year as an SEO writer.
And I'll be darned if projects haven't been flowing in like crazy! It's as if the universe is saying, "Hey, if you're willing to put in the work, I'll throw you all you can handle."
My week so far:
On Monday I wrote 20 SEO articles and did a blogging gig. I outsourced the remainder. I usually outsource the bulk of my projects. The reality is, I don't work nearly as hard as I could; I haven't for years.
But, I've decided to dive in and do more of the work b/c like I said, I just want to push myself to see what's possible. In essence, get off my toukas and work like my parents and grandparents always did. My record had been 18 articles in one day.
On Tuesday I wrote a record 27 SEO articles and completed a blogging gig. I outsourced some other work that came in. I'm never doing that again. I now know my daily writing limit (15-20 articles).
Yesterday I wrote 20 SEO articles, and did a short blogging gig. I was exhausted from the previous two days, so didn't even attempt to do anything else. I outsourced a few other projects.
I've been marketing all day today, finishing up a case study, tweaking the new site and catching up on correspondence.
Remember, I'm also training for a marathon, and also do marketing for and write and publish my own ebooks. I've been falling into bed exhausted, but excited that I'm already on track to surpass the $150,000/year goal - not that I'm trying to, believe me.
Tomorrow, I already have another 20 articles on tap and 6 blog posts. I also have 3 ebook writing proposals out that I'm waiting to hear back on (seems clients are really enamored with that service all of a sudden).
There is TONS of Freelance Writing Work Out There!
My point in relaying all of this is two fold: (i) there is TONS of freelance writing work out there; and (ii) intent coupled with action is a powerful thing. I really do need to pick up that book, The Secret. Isn't that what it's all about?
Now, I just wished intent worked this way when I wish for thinner thighs -- so far, no dice.
Get Featured, Get Published!
Freelance writing website seeking submissions. The editor, Kay wrote me the following, "I'm always looking for quality submissions so if you know of anyone else that would be interested in sending us something, I'd be grateful if you could tell them about us."
There you go Kay!
No pay, but exposure. They featured one of my articles today. I think they found it on (that's the power of article marketing folks). It's a very professinally done site, so if you have a product/service of interest to writers that you promote, you definitely want to send something over to Kay.
That's it for this week folks.
Next Tuesday -- case studies, as in, how to make money with them. They're so easy to do - and clients pay a mint for them!
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all of the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Hot, Popular Posts
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.” Current Issue: The #1 Way to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Labels: freelance writing jobs, online writing jobs, seo copywriter, seo copywriting
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The #1 Way to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer
The latest issue of Inkwell Editorial's newsletter, How to Start a Successful Freelance Career, was published today. The topic, maximizing your freelance writing income.
I've been at this since 1993 and I'm constantly amazed at how my career evolves and how much more there always is to learn. Learn from my mistakes and insights. I divulge the #1 way to make more money as a freelance writer -- as well as some other sage advice.
How to Make $12,000 a Year from Your Blog
I've been a little lax blogging here, which I talked about in this post.
But, I appear three times a week over at Read the latest posts, a two-part series here: Blog Marketing: How to Make $12,000/Year from Your Blog, and here: The $12,000/Year Blog Marketing Campaign Explained.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all of the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Recent Hot Blog Topics
Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: The #1 Way to Make the Most Money as a Freelance Writer. Wanna know what it is? Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Labels: freelance writing business, freelance writing tips, freelancewriting jobs, home business, publishing jobs, work from home
Monday, November 10, 2008
New SEO Writing Company Launch -- & Some Other Stuff
Even though I'm sick as a dog today (slamming toothache which has led to a headache, stomach ache (medicine I took for the toothache) and cold, clammy chills), I'm really excited about the launch of my new SEO writing company -- New Media Words.
For Clients Who Want Social Media Marketing
FYI, the new site offers everything a client would want in the way of new media marketing, including social media. Check out the expanded service listings -- and place your order today!
Sorry about the promotional digression, but I am a marketer at heart!
And Now, Back to the Particulars of the Site
I'm 90% done with the site, and will be finishing it up either later today or tomorrow. In my last post here, I talked about the need to update all of my web presences (, this blog, and Well, I wasn't kidding. I'll be forwarding and to, my new SEO writing site.
That leaves and this blog,
New Posting Schedule for
Once I finish with the New Media Words site, I'll be turning my attention to learning all I need to know to work with my newly designed site, which was completed this past summer in wordpress. As I said in my last post here, it's gorgeous and I can't wait to get it up and going.
Realistically, that's going to take me the rest of the year to do. I have to upload and redirect over 300 pages on to the new site, which is a task in and of itself. Before that's done though, I need some lessons in wordpress, which I'll be starting next week.
Hence, I won't be posting regularly here again until the new year. Only if it's absolutely necessary. You guys really gave me a kick in the pants to bring my sites into the 21st century. And, I'm so glad you did.
Blogging Jobs: How Much Should You Charge to Blog?
If you want to catch me on a regular basis between now and mid-January, I post at every M-W around 10 am EST. Today's post is entitled, Blogging Jobs: How Much Should You Charge to Blog? Enjoy it!
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Where are all of the freelance writing jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Recent Hot Blog Topics
Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $500, 1,000, or $3,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, November 10, 2008
Labels: blogging jobs, new blog design, new website design, site update, social media marketing, wordpress site
Friday, October 31, 2008
How to Make Money w/Ugly, Free Blog Designs
My blog design sucks. I know that. The design of my website sucks even more, as I've been told three times in the last two days. I know that too! Before I explain how to make money with ugly, free blog designs, let me tell you what inspired this post.! My post there earlier in the week entitled, Where Have all the Freelance Writing Jobs Gone, started it all. Copyblogger is a megapopular blog for freelance writers. It has almost 45,000 subscribers to its RSS feed. Hence, it gets a lot of traffic.
And, apparently my site and blog just don't measure up. And ya know what -- I can't even get mad at those who wrote me to tell me so (they were all very nice) because it's true.
But, my ugly blog and website still make me money. And yours can too! How?
Don't let what you can't do slow you down. Obviously I'm a writer; not a web designer. My skills in this area are very limited. I'm a self-taught HTMLer, and this language is becoming about as old and staid as this presidential campaign has been long (sorry, could resist that!).
I need to move my sites into the 21st century (ie, wordpress). But, I don't know anything about cascading style sheets (CSS) and all the other stuff you have to know to work in wordpress. And, I don't have the time to learn right now. So, I keep working in what I know (HTML/FrontPage).
Is this limiting my growth and my income? For sure. BUT, not to the point (yet) that my business is not growing. AND, that's because I focus on what I do know how to do (write/market) -- instead of what I don't know (graphic design/programming).
Note: I already have a new site designed in wordpress and it's gorgeous! I can't wait to use it. But, I have over 300 pages that I have to migrate over. This means each page has to be redirected to its new page name. To pay someone to do this ranges from 3K to 7K according to the quotes I've gotten. And, that's just not in the budget right now.
So I plug away on my old site.
How to Know When It's Time to Bite the Bullet & Change
I'm the kind of person who has to be pushed into change -- especially when it comes to technology. My brain just can't seem to wrap itself around a lot of it. I find this particularly ironic since I'm sort of a tech writer (as in, knowing and understanding internet marketing technology, NOT programming/design).
But, I know it's time to make the switch. Following are some guidelines that signal when it's time to take the bull by the horns and implement change.
1. Your Peers Are Telling You So: Getting three comments in two days about how horrible my site is make me pause and go, "It's time." When well-meaning peers start telling you that you need to upgrade -- and doing it in groups no less! -- then it's probably time to change.
2. When You Know You Could Be Making More Money: Two of the three people who wrote in about my site practically begged me to change it because I was "leaving money on the table," so to speak.
And I know they're right.
3. When You Could Be Hurting Your Career: Your web presence says a lot about you. It's your face to the world, espeically in freelance writing b/c most of the time we never meet our clients.
I'm lucky in that I have long-time clients who refer me a lot, so I don't have to rely on my site to do so much selling for me. But, imagine what could happen if my site matched my reputation as a writer. Hmmm . . . can we say car paid off 1.5 years early instead of 6 mos to one year early.
4. You're No Longer Proud of Your Web Presence: When you dread logging onto your own site, then it's time to change. Looking at the new site design just sitting there waiting to be used made me drool the other day. Compared to my site now, it's like comparing Jimmy Choo sandals to Payless brands. The new site really is that gorgeous -- and the old one is that bad.
All of this made me realize that I have to carve out time to update all of my web presences (, and (I'll be retiring And, I have to do it sooner rather than later.
So by the new year, all of my websites will look 21st century slick. While the timing sucks, I realize that if I don't make time to do it, it'll be another 6 months to a year before I get around to it -- and that will never do.
Besides, I have some new services offerings, a new affiliate program and a revamped SEO writing company that I'm itching to market -- all of which I'd planned to have ready by the new year. So while the redesigns won't be easy, they will get done.
I heard you everybody, and thank you for taking the time to write in. I truly appreciate it.
120,000+ New Blog Readers? My Freelance Writing Jobs report got written up on For those who don't know, this is a major tech site that gets over 120,000 visitors a day. And they'll all be eyeballing my ugy site (waaaggghhhhh!!).
Have a great weekend!
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Make money selling ebooks online. How? Sign up to our ebook affiliate program and get a cut of every ebook we sell.
Recent Hot Blog Topics
Where are the Freelance Writing Jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in Less than 24 Hours for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $500, 1,000, or $3,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Friday, October 31, 2008
Labels: blog design, freelance writing jobs report, make money online, website design
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
One Email -- $2,000 Worth of Work!
Before I get to the title of today's email, just want to let you know in case you've been following along that I wrapped up the unofficial six-part series on internet marketing over at today. I end it with a look at how to place a traffic-drawing, sales-increasing online ad.
Not the mechanics of it, mind you, but some concrete guidelines to keep in mind as you go about trying to figure out where to place an ad, for how long, how to write it, etc. I hope you've enjoyed this series.
One Email -- $2,000 Worth of Work!
I addressed the question of how to find freelance writing jobs in this post on yesterday. The comments to it really highlight what I've been saying all along, ie, "In spite of the economy, there is tons of work out there." Proof?
I did an e-blast to about 50 contacts on Monday and got in about $2,000 worth of work this week -- with several more "maybes" on other projects.
FYI, I rarely send eblasts to this many contacts. I usually do 1-5 contacts per day, but wanted to fulfill a "quota" since I'd been a little lax in marketing the last couple of weeks. And this is why I don't; I usually get overwhelmed. But as the holidays are coming, I'm grateful.
Freelance Writers are in Demand
In speaking with two clients (internet marketing firms), they told me they are busier than ever.
You have to market to bring in the work though. If you do this consistently, you will get work -- it's almost guaranteed. I receive emails all the time about how I get work, which was the impetus for the ebook How to Find Unpublished Freelance Writing Jobs. Within, I disclose all the methods I've used for years to ferret out freelance writing jobs.
One thing I can tell you is that "unpublished" freelance writing jobs are so much easier to get because there's less competition. You'll rarely look at a job board again if you market like this.
Now I'm off to kill off some deadlines!
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Make money selling ebooks online. How? Sign up to our ebook affiliate program and get a cut of every ebook we sell.
Recent Hot Blog Topics
Where are the Freelance Writing Jobs? Find out in the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 24 Hrs or Less for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $500, 1,000, or $3,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Labels: freelance writing jobs, internet marketing, online marketing, online writing jobs, writing jobs
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Freelance Writers: How to Find Affordable Outlets to Advertise In/On
Last week, I wrote a three-part series on internet marketing over at that’s kind of morphed into an unofficial six-part series. In today's installment, I tell you the methods I use to track down affordable sites to advertise my ebooks on.
If you write and self-publish information products-- or are thinking about it -- you don't want to miss this post.
Where ARE all the freelance writing jobs? The 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report tells you. It's a detailed report that outlines all of the "hot" freelance writing niches -- now, and next year as well.
Why the recession is good for freelance writers: Read more on how to use a down economy to snag more jobs, and other useful advice about how to stay afloat in this economy as a freelance writer. It's in my post featured on today.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Make money selling ebooks. How? Sign up to our ebook affiliate program and get a cut of every ebook we sell.
Recent Popular Blog Posts
When to Spend Money to Make Money Online
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 24 Hrs or Less for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Unlike a 9-5 job, freelance writers don't have company-sponsored 401K plans, medical benefits, paid days off, etc. All these are paid for by us. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Freelance Writers: Where to Spend Money to Make Money Online
In a continuation from my series entitled Internet Marketing: How to Tell When to Start Spending Money to Make Money Online over at last week, today I get very specific.
Do you write and publish ebooks or promote some other product/service of interest to freelance writers, bloggers and internet marketers? If so and you want to reach more prospects, you'll want to check out today's post because I outline 5 places I've advertised and/or am thinking about advertising. One costs only $1 per week for front-page placement of an ad.
The post also addresses how to tell if an ad is effective and some insight into why certain forms of online advertising gives you ongoing coverage. Read the entire post here.
FYI, did you get the 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report last Thursday, It's an exhaustive list of "hot" freelance writing niches -- now, and next year as well.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Make money selling ebooks. How? Sign up to our ebook affiliate program and get a cut of every ebook we sell.
Popular Blog Posts
When to Spend Money to Make Money Online
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 24 Hrs or Less for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Unlike a 9-5 job, freelance writers don't have company-sponsored 401K plans, medical benefits, paid days off, etc. All these are paid for by us. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, October 27, 2008
Labels: how to make money online, internet marketing, online marketing, promote ebooks, write and publish ebooks
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Where Are the Freelance Writing Jobs?
I spent all day today writing the in-depth report answering this question. The 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report is an exhaustive list of "hot" freelance writing niches. I explain why I think they're fertile right now, along with some ideas for how to capitalize on them.
How to Recession Proof Your Freelance Writing Career
At the end of the report you will find 4 tips for recession proofing your freelance writing career. A few times throughout the report I detail how to go about starting your own business using your writing skills to capitalize on a niche.
I hope you find it useful. At the very least, it should get the wheels turning as to where to look for freelance writing work.
Whomever doubts that writers dont work for their money, or that it is a "sit on your arse type of profession" that's not exhausting . . . well, after today, I'm here to tell ya -- eat goat cheese buster! Writing is exhausting.
I'm off to wind down by running a quick 5 miles. Sounds crazy I know, but that's what runners do to "relax."
Oh yeah, one more thing -- feel free to distribute the report far and wide. That's what it's for!
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Make money selling ebooks. How? Sign up to our ebook affiliate program and get a cut of every ebook we sell.
Recent Hot Blog Topics
When to Spend Money to Make Money Online
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 24 Hrs or Less for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Unlike a 9-5 job, freelance writers don't have company-sponsored 401K plans, medical benefits, paid days off, etc. All these are paid for by us. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Labels: editing jobs, how to find freelance writing jobs, online writing jobs, publishing jobs
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Should You Spend Money to Make Money Online?
Today over at BloggingTips, I wrote the last part of a three-part series that talks about how to know when it's a good time to spend money to make money online.
As a self-published ebook writer and publisher, I've gotten a lot of response from readers. I think it's because I'm "Joe the Plumber," in a manner of speaking. Meaning that, there are a lot of people who want to make money online, but they don't have huge marketing budgets -- or any marketing budget for that matter. So when I say I'm a small-time marketer who's kind of just figuring things out as I go along, a lot of people can identify with that.
Spending Money to Make Money with Ebooks: The Series Continues
I'm extending the series because of the amount of interest it's generated. Here is what I'll be talking about next week.
On Monday I’ll list the websites I've advertised my ebooks on, as well as those I'm thinking about advertising on.
On Tuesday I’ll tell you how I found affordable outlets to advertise on, and how you can do so too if you’re an ebook writer.
On Wednesday I’ll talk about the tangibles that go into placing an ad (ie, how long the ad should run, how to glean info from the sales numbers, whether or not to advertise with an outlet again, etc.).
Tomorrow: 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report! Tomorrow I'll be publishing a monster freelance writing jobs report. It will cover niches that are hot right now -- and will continue to be so for the next year or two based on my forecasts. I'll explain why these niches are going to remain red hot and how you can capitalize on them.
If you want to increase your freelance writing income, you won't want to miss this special industry report.
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Make money selling ebooks online. How? Sign up to our ebook affiliate program and get a cut of every ebook we sell.
Recent Hot Blog Topics
Marketing Advice for Freelance Writers: How to Create “Sticky” Clients & Make More Money
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 24 Hrs or Less for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Unlike a 9-5 job, freelance writers don't have company-sponsored 401K plans, medical benefits, paid days off, etc. All these are paid for by us. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Are You Losing Money by Not Spending Money to Make Money Online?
Funky title, huh? Sounds like something Rose would say, which would cause Dorothy to crack her over the head with a newspaper for uttering (Golden Girls fans know what I mean).
In Part II of my post over at, I discuss rule #2 of how I knew it was time for me to start spending money to make money online, instead of using free methods like article marketing. An excerpt:
. . . the second guideline I used which highlighted to me that I was ready to start spending money to promote my ebooks was that I was ready to make more money. Specifically, more passive income. You may be shaking your head thinking, “Yeah, I’m ready to make more money. Who isn’t?” Well, let me explain how this came about.If you write and promote ebooks or anything online, you might find the post insightful. I'd love to hear what you're think as online marketing is still so new. And, its evolving so quickly. While some have "cracked the code," so to speak to making tons of money online, most of us are newbies to the game.
Goal: Make a FT Living by Writing and Promoting a Line of Self-Published Ebooks
When I first starting writing and publishing my ebooks, I never thought of it as a way to make a full-time living. I thought of my ebook sales as a supplement to my freelance writing income.
I've been at it for four years now and am just starting to take it seriously. So chime in!
Contact: info *at*
P.S.: Make money selling ebooks online. How? Sign up to our ebook affiliate program and get a cut of every ebook we sell.
Recent Hot Blog Topics
Marketing Advice for Freelance Writers: How to Create “Sticky” Clients & Make More Money
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 24 Hrs or Less for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Unlike a 9-5 job, freelance writers don't have company-sponsored 401K plans, medical benefits, paid days off, etc. All these are paid for by us. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Labels: ebook publishing, ebook writing tips, how to make money online, internet marketing, online marketing, passive income
Monday, October 20, 2008
When to Spend Money to Make Money Online
Three things today dear readers:
(i) The title of today' post is my post over at (BT). I've been hired to do more posts at BT -- from once a week to three times per week (M-W; 10 am EST). An excerpt from today's post reads:
I’ve been writing and publishing ebooks since 2004. I’ve never spent money to promote my line until recently. So, how did I decide it was time to take the plunge? Following are some guidelines – and my reasons – for deciding to take this route.
Do you have a product/service that you're thinking of promoting online? Wondering if you should start spending money to promote it? Maybe the guidelines and reasons I wrangled with will help you come to some conclusions. Read Internet Marketing: How to Tell When to Start Spending Money to Make Money Online for some helpful insights.
(ii) IW's e-Junkie Affiliate Program: It's finally up and running. If you become an affiliate, you get a portion of every ebook we sell on e-Junkie, even if you only promote one product. Why is this? That's the way the program is set up.
For example, if you just want to promote the SEO writing ebook, then you can do so. But, when visitors click through from your site and they buy two ebooks, you receive a commission from both sales, not just from the SEO writing ebook. FYI, we have 11 ebooks for sale on e-Junkie, and 25-30% of purchases are multiple sales.
BTW, the freelance writing e-course is not sold on e-Junkie yet. I want to revise it a little before adding it. I'll do this either this week, or over the weekend. Click here to find out all the details on the program -- and to download the 4 free affiliate marketing reports. They help you sell more online, no matter what you're promoting (our products or someone else's).
(iii) Finding Information on I receive a lot of queries from readers that I am simply unable to answer personally. Most of the time it's about marketing. Some other popular topics are ebook writing and publishing, seo writing and freelance contracts (I get this one quite often).
Many times, the info is on the site, which has over 300 pages -- and is growing weekly. As I'm unable to respond to every query, here's how to find info on
Here's to a profitable week and I'll see you back here tomorrow!
Contact: info *at*
Recent Hot Blog Topics
Marketing Advice for Freelance Writers: How to Create “Sticky” Clients & Make More Money
Why Being Told Your Freelance Writing Rates are Too High is a Good Thing
How Would You Like to Make $1,000 in an Hour?
How to Start a Freelance Writing Career in 24 Hrs or Less for $0
Freelance Success Stories! There are freelancers who make very good livings at what they love. Inkwell Editorial’s newsletter features these successful professionals who put to rest the phrase, “starving freelancer.”
Current Issue: How to Make $500/Month or in Passive Income. Unlike a 9-5 job, freelance writers don't have company-sponsored 401K plans, medical benefits, paid days off, etc. All these are paid for by us. Wouldn't it be nice to create a passive income stream that brought in $1,000, $3,000, $5,000 a month or more? Affiliate marketing can do this. Interviews with three successful affiliate marketers reveal how. One is only 25 years old and is working on his first five-figure month after only 9 months! Subscribe to read this, and all previous, issues.
Copyright © 2008 Except where noted, no part of this site may be reproduced in any manner without the express, written consent of the publisher. Violators will be prosecuted.
Posted by
Yuwanda Black
Monday, October 20, 2008
Labels: affiliate marketing, e-junkie, how to make money online, online marketing tips, write and publish ebooks